所在地 台東区浅草2-3-1 (浅草寺)
境内の鐘楼の鐘は、元禄5年(1692)5代将軍徳川綱吉公改鋳の江戸時代の「時の鐘」として、芭蕉の句『花の雲 鐘は上野か浅草か』で有名。現在は、毎朝6時に役僧が撞き鳴らし、大晦日には「除夜の鐘」が点灯される。
金龍山 浅草寺
Bentendo Hall
Bentendo Hall was reconstructed in 1983 on the small hill called "Benten-yama".The principal image of this temple has white hair.Therefore we call it "Rounyo-Benzaiten".("Rounyo" means an old woman and "Benzaiten",the goddess of music,art and wealth,is the name of the image.)This statue is one of the Three famous Benzaiten around the Kanto district.In the medieval period Hojo,a great daimyo in Odawara,had faith in this statue.
The bell in the belfry has been known as the hour bell casted in bronze by Tokugawa shogunate in 1692,and also famous for a haiku by Matsuo Basyo(1644-1694).Nowadays,a priest of Senso-ji strikes at six oclock every morning.