× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 所在地 台東区今戸2-6-12 (称福寺) 東京都指定史跡 亀田鵬斎墓(亀田鵬斉・亀田鵬齊・亀田鵬齋) 昭和33年(1958)10月7日指定 亀田鵬斎は江戸時代後期の著名な儒学者である。宝暦2年(1752)江戸・神田に生まれた。名は翼といい、のち長興。字は穉龍、通称文左衛門、鵬斎・善身堂と号した。折衷学者井上金峨(墓地は港区青松寺・東京都指定旧跡)に学び、山本北山とともに荻生徂徠おぎゅうそらい(墓地は港区長松寺・国指定史跡)の古文辞学を排撃し、朱子学を批判したために、寛政異学の禁では異端の筆頭と目されていた。 書をよくし、草書は近世を通じての名手といわれている。著書に「論語撮解」「善身堂詩鈔」などがある。 文政9年(1826)、75歳で没した。墓石には「鵬斎亀田先生之墓」と刻している。 平成8年(1996)3月8日建設 東京都教育委員会 Kameda Bosai Haka Kameda Bosai was a calligrapher and Confucian scholar from the Late Edo Period.He was bornin 1752 in Kanda,Edo.He was first named Yoku,and later Choko.During his lifetime,he was called Chiryu instead and further commonly dalled Bunzaemon;the calligrapher used other pseudonyms,Bosai and Zenshindo.At the age of 14,he started his studies with an eclectic scholar Inoue Kinga(his tomb is located in Seishoji Temple in Minato ward and designated as a historic remain by TokyoMetropolitan Government).He accused,together with Yamamoto Hokuzan,an approach of Ogyu Sorai(his tomb is located in Choshoji Temple in Minato ward and designated as a historic remain by the state)to the Confucian texts exclusively based on the meaning of words in the ancient times,and further criticized the doctrines of Zhu Xi,so that Bosai was regarded as a kind of heresiarch ,when the Kansei Edict against the Confucian doctrines other than those of Zhu Xi was issued after an appointment of Matsudaira Sadanobu to the highest rank governmental office of Elder.He was good at Early Modern Period.His works include Precise Commentaries to Confucius' Analects and Collected Poems of Zenshindo. He died at the age of 75 in 1826.A string stating:Tomb of Bosai,Dr.Kameda is engraved in a regular script on a tombstone shaped in a rectagular column. Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education PR ![]() ![]() |