所在地 台東区西浅草1-5-5
浄土真宗 東本願寺派
本山 東本願寺
The Headquarters of the Higashi HOnganji Sect
Approximately 400 years ago the TOkyo Honganji temple was established in the city of Edo (modern Tokyo) under the patronage of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu by Kyonyo Shonin (1558-1614),the 12th successor descendant of Shinran Shonin (1173-1262),founder of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.At this temple th 25th Supreme Primate Otani Kosho (Ko-nyo Shoni) Temple Master and Monzeki,has carried on Shinran Shonin's blood and Dharma succession to date.The Tokyo Honganji is at present the geadquarters of the Jodo Shinshu Higashi Honganji Sect with a following of some 400 temples.
Historically,the city of Edo was constantlyravaged by fire and the Honganji was no exception.On several occasions when the city was destroyed,the temple was reduced to ashes.But every teime such a calamity occurred the storong religious devotion of Honganji followeres led to swift reconstructon.In more recent times the Knato earthquake of 1923,with its ensuing fires desttroyed the temple,but the principal image and major temple treasures were saved.In 1939 the present main hall was constructed,utilizing for the first time in Japan a concrete form of the traditional style of Buddhist temples.
The principal image of the main hall,Amida Nyorai,was enshrined in 1609 and has miraculously survived the numerous calamities to date.It is not only an object of religious veneration,but is also regarded as an "Important Historical Property" of Tokyo Prefecture.
The Asakusa columbarium,bearing a giant temple bell cast approximately in 1630 on its roof tower,is located within the temple gtounds.There is also the Otani Hall and Memorial Hall,which are both used for a variety of church activities as well as public lectures,and other research and ecucational activities.
Under the leadership of the 25th Supreme Primate of the Higashi HOnganji,His Eminence Kosho Ko-nyu Otani,the Tokyo Honganji preserves theorthodoxy of Shinran Shonin's teachings in the international city of Tokyo.The temple has become the living symbol of blood and Dharma succession in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and works to propagate the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism towards all who seek spiritual salvation.The door to this living Buddhist temple is open towards all rasec,nationalities and peoples of the world.