× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 所在地 台東区池之端2-4-22 (正慶寺) 北村季吟墓きたむらきぎん 季吟は江戸時代前期の歌人、俳人です。通称を久助といい、拾穂軒と号していました。はじめは祖父の宗竜、父の宗円を継いで医学を業としていました。俳人安原貞室、松永貞徳の門に入り、和歌・俳諧を学びました。元禄2年(1689)、幕府の歌学所に補せられ、元禄12年(1699)、再昌院法印の称を受けました。 著書に『徒然草文段抄』、『枕草子春曙抄』、『源氏物語湖月抄』その他があります。 宝永2年(1705)6月15日、82歳で逝去しました。円頂角石の正面に楷書で「再昌院法印季吟先生」と題し、右側面には丸に井桁の家紋を書き、下に行書で「花も見ず郭公をも待ち出つこの世後の世、おもふ事なき」と辞世の句が刻まれています。裏面には「宝永二乙酉六月十五日、八十二歳卒」と刻んでいます。 平成22年(2010)3月建設 東京都教育委員会 Kitamura Kigin Haka Kigin was a poet in tanke and haiku from the Early Edo Period.He was commonly called Kyusuke,and also known as Shusuiken.He was born in Kitamura,Yasu District,Omi Province (today's Yasu City,Shiga Pref.).He initially professionally engaged in medical science follwing the careers of his grandfather Soryu and his father So-en.Later he was appointed as a hafuri(person responsible for maintenance of the Shinto shrine)of the Shintamatsushima Shrine in Kyoto,and became a disciple of poet Karasumaru Mitsuhiro to a position in the tanka institute of the shogunate and granted a title of Saisho-in Hoin.The members of the Kitamura clan later took over the shogunate's function of overseeing tanka studies and productions. His works include Commentaries to Tsurezuregusa,Commentaries to the pollow Book and Commentaries to the Tale of Genji.He developed excellent desciples,like Yamaoka Genrin,Matsuo Basho and Yamaguchi Sodo. He died at the age of 82 on June 15,1705.The tombstone is shaped in a rectangular column with a circular top,having a string in a regular script,stating:Saisho-inHoin Dr.kigin on the front side,while his family crest of a circle with a diamond-shaped pattern in its inside is engraved on the right hand side,with a piece of tanka at the time of his own death,stating:Hana-mo mizu/kakko-womo/machi-idetsu/konoyo nochino yo/omoukotonaki(meaning:I'm leaving this world without seeing the blossom and still waiting cuckoo,I have nothing to worry about this world and other world)in semi-cursive script below.On the backside,a string stating:He died at the age of 82 on June 15,1705,the Year of Itsuyu is engraved. Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education PR ![]() ![]() |