× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 所在地 台東区池之端1-3-45 旧岩崎邸庭園 旧岩崎邸庭園 旧岩崎邸庭園内の建物は、三菱の創始者岩崎家本邸の旧宅です。庭園内の建物のうち洋館と撞球室は、近代日本の建築界に大きな足跡を残したJ.コンドルの設計で、明治29年に建築されました。洋館は木造2階建て、地下室付で、イギリス17世紀初頭のジャコビアン様式を基調とし、明治洋風建築を代表する建物です。洋館に併置された和館は書院造りを基調とし、棟梁は財政界の大立者たちの屋敷を数多くてがけた大河喜十郎と伝えられています。和館内には橋本雅邦が下絵を描いたと伝えられる障壁画がのこっています。昭和36年(1961)に洋館と撞球室が重要文化財に指定されました。昭和44年(1969)には和館大広間と洋館東脇にある袖塀が、平成11年(1999)には宅地、煉瓦塀、実測図が国の重要文化財に指定されています。 The buildings in the Tokyo MEtropolitan Kyu Iwasaki-tei Gardens are the formerkprincipal residence of the Iwasaki famiy,the founder of the Mitsubishi funancial group.The Western-style building and the billiard room were designed by J.Conder who left his great foorprints over the modern Japan architectural world,and were builded in the 29th year of Meiji(1896).The Western-style building is a wooden,two-storied one with a basement and one of the representative Western-style buildings in the Meiji era,having the taste of Jakobean architecture developed in the 17th century England.The Japanese-style building was integrated with the Western-style building and the designed was based on the classic Shoin-style.The head Hapanese carpenter for the progect was Ookawa Kikujiro,a famous craftsman who created many residences for notables in the government and the financial world.Japanese artwork was painted on the alcove(Tokonoma)and sliding doors (Fusuma)in the Japanese-style building.Most of the paintings are the work of Gaho Hashimoto,founder of modern Japanese art.The Western-style building and the billiard room were designated as nationally important cultural properties in the 36th year of Showa(1961).The Japanese hall (O-hiroma)and the sode-dei wall on the side of the Western-style buileing were added to the list in the 44th year of Showa (1969),and finally the resedential area,brick wall and measured map in the 11th year of Heisei(1999). PR ![]() ![]() |